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We started out in Huntington Beach, staying with our good friends Cary & Julie and their kids. That first pic in the last post with the Huntington Beach pier in the background was taken at TKs across the street...great cheeseburgers. We're starting to move to different places however...
It has been an exciting start to the trip. An unfortunate big quake centered in northwest Mexico gave us our first earthquake experience. And of all places to experience it, it was in a Stand Up Paddle shop...Stand Up Paddle Co of Laguna Beach on their 2nd day of being open. Funny thing – I didn’t even notice but everyone else did. Only when I saw the chandeliers swaying in the shop did I notice. Everyone was saying it felt like they were on the water and for some reason I didn’t even feel or notice that. At the moment it hit, I was bent over talking to my son just outside the front door. My son said he didn’t notice it either. My wife and other son were sitting in the car out front. She thought one of us was standing on the rear car bumper and shaking the car, then she looked up and saw the street sign shaking. This morning, I awoke to an aftershock and definitely felt that one. I heard a low rumble and then a jolting shake of the house for 1 second and that was it.
Wave conditions haven't worked in our favor yet for SUP surfing because of onshore winds. Today would have been a great day to windsurf but the logistics of getting all the gear together in the right place was too big to overcome. Still hoping to test some SUP boards and keeping fingers crossed for tomorrow...
Santa Monica/Venice Beach, no?
Right you are Aaron. Santa Monica pier...on our touristy day.
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