Thursday, December 22, 2011

What You Don't See In The Hookipa Videos

I like to watch videos of Hookipa windsurfing as much as the next guy, but it would always bug me that not one video would ever show what happens when a pro isn't riding a wave. If you haven't actually been to Hookipa but heard about the rocks, current, and light wind on the inside, perhaps you wondered how a windsurfer actually navigates his or her way out at this world famous spot. Maybe its just me, but I always wondered this.

Its no different with the weekend golfer when they take in a PGA event or someone who played high school football taking in a NFL game. As an amateur windsurfer, being at Hookipa on Maui and taking in the action is the same. And when we watch the Sportscenter highlights of PGA or NFL or watching windsurfing videos, we don't see everything else that happens in between the highlights.

Leave it to Waterturtle to capture the fringe of the fringe just for you. This video from my recent trip to Maui shows Bernd Roediger (1st 1:20 minutes) and Graham Ezzy (the next 3 minutes) getting out at Hookipa. This was on Monday, November 28th. Note the extremely light wind on the inside, the current pushing them downwind around the rocks, and their patience and skill in getting out to catch some tasty waves. I know...this isn't nearly as good as carving bottom turns, snappy cutbacks, and massive airs, but you might just learn something. Enjoy!


rdm said...

thanks for posting this. i found myself holding my breath for ezzy. sooooo many times i've been in a vacuum on the inside. no rocks though.

Brian S. said...

Thanks Mac. That's worth watching.