Where to start....
My Greensboro buddies, Mark and Todd, combined work in the Wilmington area with some windsurfing and scored at The Basin in Fort Fisher. A submerged metal box reached up and attacked Mark....here is his description of the carnage: "Here it is: the new hinge-tailed slalom board. Available in 2 piece and 3 piece versions. Board can be stored in the trunk of your car or in the overhead compartment for you frequent fliers..."

Todd busted his sail too. Guys, it's time for new gear!
Alan made the roadtrip to Kure Beach and sailed the ocean opposite The Basin....called Corncake. He reported solid 5.0 wind but the waves didn't show up.
The Charleston, SC gang also reported 5.0 conditions with chest high waves in side-shore wind.
The Hatteras LoopFest went off in excellent conditions. There are great summaries and awesome pictures at Andy's, Bill's, and George's blogs. And there is a great
Loopfest video here.
Donald made the trip and showed up in some of the pictures on George's blog. I took these pics of Donald off George's blog...they were taken by George's wife, Janis Markopoulos. This is Donald's first year of wavesailing...I'd say he's taken to it just fine.
As for myself, I finally got to windsurf for the first time in almost 2 months after my hernia surgery. I didn't make the trip to the coast but I was able to score at the lake on a rare windy summer day here. I was fully powered on my new 6.4 sail for 2 hours solid in 15-25 winds. There was a bit of boat traffic in the main channel but I was able to get upwind and play in an open area next to an island where no boats were and just had an absolute blast.
Glad to have ya back, Mac!
Feels good to get back on the water, eh?
Thanks guys...you bet it does feel good to be back...even with the new blisters. Craving for more!
Story could read:
A 20 year old, locally crafted, custom slalom board was attacked Sunday in the shark infested waters of the Ft Fisher Basin. Skipper, Mark Pace, claims "it felt like I ran into a granite block at 41.6 knots."
Awesome to hear your recovery is finished! Time to pray for hurricanes?
Actually Aaron, there is one sitting off the Atlantic coast now...northeast of Bermuda....no wind for us, but nice swell hitting our beaches. Going SUP'ing tomorrow...hopefully will have some pictures and a report to share later.
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