** 9pm Update **
From Andy McKinney/Wind-NC: "Nukin' at (Ramp) 30 - Way overpowered 3.7 in the gusts but the majority of the time it was fine. Lots of people out, chest to well overhead occasional sets. Tyson Poor was throwing 30 foot backloops with ankle dry landings!! I had a blast, and took a really long swim after I lost my gear once... It's been a while since I had to do that! Stoked!"
We finished the day at our soundfront house comfortably overpowered on our 4m sails past sunset. Waist high rolling swells made it extra interesting and fun. Watching the thunderstorm roll past in the sound now. What a day. Hopefully SUP surf next couple of days.
** 3:30pm Update **
Overpowered on 3.8. Ken, Ralph, and Rob stayed out longer on 4.4, 3.7, 3.8. Ken is the man for holding down a 4m sail out there for as long as he did. Sam showed up and got out there on a 4.0 on only his 14th day of windsurfing ever. Leah was working on her high wind windsurfing too. Awesome.
Did I mention we're only in boardshorts out there?
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Wednesday and Thursday is all you want. We're overpowered on our 4+m sails. It's currently blowing 35mph as I type this. Lots of folks at Canadian Hole and some folks wavesailing in overhead waves at Ramp 30 as well. Here's a few pics from yesterday and this morning at our rental house.
WaterTurtle - black helmet, grey shirt/blue trim sail
Rob - white helmet, Ezzy red/yellow
Ken - red trim sail, black cap
Ralph - Ezzy sails (blue/red & orange), blue board
Leah - in wetsuit/helmet on orange Ezzy sail