...for family, friends, water, wind, and waves...and for being able to windsurf so close to home right after Thanksgiving on a beautiful sunny day...

Pics are of
Rob. He and I were on 8.0s and slalom boards in WSW then W 15mph wind on Lake Norman on Black Friday.
way to get on it guys. happy holidays
Way to go fellas. Very blustery here on Friday. Didn't sail but I did get in a good paddle Sunday.
awesum ride mannn...
Happy Holidays,
I took my family down to Avon over Thanksgiving. Hatteras delivered the full spectrum: big surf, dreary cold rain, sunny warmth, beach bon fires, wind and calm. I had a great side-off session near Hatteras inlet on the south side with head high surf and 5.0.
I recommended your crew to a sailor I met. Oliver from Wilmington NC. He's 17 and was sleeping in his car. Remember those days? I met him Saturday morning at the Hole during finger thawing breaks. He commented that the only sailors he knows are in their 40s. All I could remember about you all was the "Windy Waters" blog. Keep an eye out for him. We can use the young blood to keep the stoke going.
Ken Kellar (from Wave Jam)
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